Mr. Shifty easily flow into the weight of gray and secondary indium, flooded spaces Steam. Another arcade game with simple mechanics, unicellular history and a pleasant visual style. But to give a chance …
If someone set out to count how many publishers and developers have earned on nostalgia for the past few years, the figure will simply mind-boggling. Gamers from all sides surrounded …
Collectible card game. Hearing such a modern gamer will wonder what such a beast, just ask me about it? Immediately come to mind one or two video games, but you have …
Mammoths and timid mils Keyt Uoker – oh, how they are associated with warm memories, funny, and sometimes sad. It is terrible to imagine, but it took thirteen years since, …
World of Tanks , we wrote a ospreys guides by which to get used to this gorgeous game, you can literally for an hour or two. And the foundations of the …
Fantastic games and many editors have seen many generations of gamers. Small entourage and a pseudo-exuberance of fancy or large with a rational approach and relying on real scientific achievements …
Japanese from From Software managed to make a really unique game, which turned the genre on its head. Forget what you know about the combat system, experience and junk, we fall out …
The computing power of today’s gaming systems allow developers to create real miracles. But some 20 years ago, all jaws dropped to the floor because of the image of the …
One of the strangest announcements at E3 2017, a project called « by Mario + the Rabbids Battle for the Kingdom “, created by the studio Ubisoft for Nintendo Switch, managed …
Let many of you on the Inner Chains and never heard, but on paper it was very ambitsionzny Polish shooter. Over its development worked the same people that once took active part …