Category: News
Remember The Golf Club? The Golf Club was a 2014 cult classic golf sim that centred around the sport itself rather than endorsements. With a robust course designer, versatile …
Horde modes have been included in games since developers figured out players enjoy challenging themselves against wave after wave of increasingly difficult enemies. Whether it’s Left 4 Dead’s Survival, …
When I first heard that they were making Sonic Mania, I was concerned. Sonic the Hedgehog’s recent track record is troublesome. The last game I enjoyed was Generations, and …
Boss Key Productions’ LawBreakers is an enjoyable first person shooter that invokes memories of Unreal Tournament and Quake with its fast and at times frantic combat, but with the …
In Sudden Strike 4 you take command of German, Soviet or Allied forces as you fight your way through historical battles in World War 2. The game is a …
This article contains minor spoilers for Horizon: Zero Dawn Famed sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke once posited three laws, the last of which stated, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable …
Watch where you’re sticking that sewage pipe! If you’ve been a gamer for any time in the last few decades you’ve probably played a sim game or two. If …
What a remarkable game Sonic Mania is. Not just that it’s good (which it is), but that it exists at all. You can check out my interview with some of the heads …
GET READY TO EXPLORE IN DESTINY 2 GUARDIANS Destiny was riddled with a slew of complaints from the community, we all know this. Then Bungie fixed some things and we have …
Few creative debuts reverberate as powerfully as Fullbright’s. By 2013, the likes of Dear Esther and Journey had prepared a template for the narrative-based exploration genre, but Gone Home is widely recognised for elevating the …