Get Even looks to mess with your reality on almost inception levels! But can the game deliver the goods and be immersive? Get Even begins with you waking up …
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is a team-based first person shooter than relies heavily on tactics and player communication. A somewhat steep learning curve prevents it from having pick up and …
Have you ever been to a restaurant that looks ugly but has a great meal? That can apply to video games in a way as well. When a game …
A reader is impressed by the recent Games Done Quick speedrun and is surprised how emotional he got revisiting a classic game. The Final Fantasy speedrun was mentioned in …
Developers Volition have been in the game for some time now having had plenty of success with their Saints Row franchise which initially spearheaded the original Xbox 360 launch …
ellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is a phenomenal experience. Note that I’m not saying a phenomenal videogame. When viewed from its individual gameplay mechanics, Hellblade is certainly nothing spectacular. Combat is solid, yet repetitive. …
Tales from the Borderlands is one of the latest fantastic and dramatic games from TellTale Games, a developer well-known in the gaming world for their unique graphic design and …
Call of Duty WW2: A New Hope For The Series? After years of rumour and speculation Call of Duty is finally returning to the Second World War. Far from the far-flung future …
There have been a couple of Ubisoft franchises where the first entry shows promise only to end up receiving a mixed reception. A sequel is then released that addresses …
With the next patch possibly just around the corner, I wanted to share how I’m preparing for patch 7.3. There is no official release date for patch 7.3 currently, …