Category: Popular Games
Shortly after waking up the main character by the name of Rita joins the small group of survivors. Actors: Steve finished pessimist – walking apathy with circles under his …
History The Old Blood is divided into two parts. The first BJ, the protagonist enters the legendary castle Volfenshtajn with a friend Wesley. A risky venture: BJ does not speak German, …
If you think about it, every “big» RPG currently have to be comfortable for those who have not played in the previous part – it is even more important …
The goal of the game – not the murder of the greatest number of opponents, and to two minutes to paint everything that gets in the eyes. That is why …
However, XCOM 2 – this is not a direct continuation of Enemy Unknown. Studio Firaxis ignored the ending of the last game, and turned everything upside down. In one of the …
One in space Learn the basics of movement in the suit that, I must say, it is not so easy as it seems, we are immediately thrown into space.Unceremoniously, …
Banner Saga 2 – this is not the second part in the usual sense. Usually in a game sequel to present a completely new story, new story, new mechanics, and …
Not so I had to review Enter the Gungeon. But hey – the past few days, the game carefully wiping my floor, so let at least in this one-sided battle …
The plot of Shadow of the Beast is plain: black magician turned into a monster character named Aarbron freed from the control of their dark lord and sent him to revenge, …
A brief history: in 1990, the first part of Fire Emblem single-handedly created the genre of tactical JRPG. One of its key features was a permanent character death in battle: …