Category: Games TOP
The 2016 videoludically speaking was a very interesting year, marked by great titles, new consoles and great ads. 2017 seems to be even more succulent, so we at SpazioGames …
Objective: survival We had the chance to try a pre-alpha version, where we’ve mostly shown all of the major gameplay features we’re going to find in the final version. First …
We would like to find consuls in the street as well … Most of you have probably never heard of these guys, and it’s perfectly normal: they are Brazilian …
A plot that grew up right away Many JRPGs, according to a non-written rule of thumb, tend to slip over too early in play, with the risk of the …
From the 6th Universe with (not much) Fury We begin our overview of the DB Super Pack 1 with the most complete addition, as well as appealing to the players. The first …
A boy and his gun The mother planet of video games, Gamearth, is under attack by the brutal invaders of Nexgen; the task of saving him falls on one of …
Nostalgia, in these cases, is well-known, makes it a master, also manages to pierce the most ruthless of the armor and the announcement is followed by the distribution of …
The Three of Ave Maria Need For Speed: Payback , as well as the huge amount of racing games, wants to focus on a lightweight and not too demanding story, …
“White Terror” Taiwan was under martial law for thirty-eight years, from 49 to 87. During the White Terror period, about one hundred and forty thousand Taiwanese were imprisoned, and about …
Long is not synonymous with validity In the name of Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach already contains some important information about which part of the vast world created by Games Workshop will …