Secret World Legends

There he stayed, five years ago, with a small but faithful group of fans without attracting the attention of the general public. It was his downfall …


but not its end, as the authors of Age of Conan and The Longest Journey have decided to breathe new life into this ambitious MMORPG, not only betting on the free-to-play business model, but also by changing some of the most important game mechanics of the play, with the firm intention of giving a second chance to a unique online role adventure on many levels.


“This is our bet, our best move and most effort, to ensure that the Secret World universe can live and, hopefully, even become bigger and better than it was”, commented a few days ago the head of Funcom , and it’s certainly hard not to get carried away by opti


mism. There are more than a hundred hours of adventures to discover in this videogame, all of them available without the need to pay a penny! We have the original content of the original plus its expansions, and the best thing is that the authors of the successful Conan Exiles are not satisfied with that. The intention is to expand the gamewith new


stories, areas to visit, more battlefields to fight and, ultimately, more adventures endowed with a dark plot background. It was what made the origina


l so special and nothing changes five years later; This is still a unique video game, with great personality, which captures with the strength of its history and fantastic staging. Did not you know? You no longer have excuses. Secret World Legends has arrived not to leave in a long time.



A world of darkness

Imagine a nightmarish world ruled from the shadows by three secret societies, the Illuminati , Dragons and Templars , who have joined forces temporarily to face the worst possible threat: an army of monstrous creatures emerged from some of the tales of terror that have tormented us the most over the centuries, with a speci

al predominance of HP Lovecraft, the well-known writer of Providence, which has taken much material related to their cosmic horrors. And it’s great! Because once you enter the world of Secret World you do not want to abandon it in a
ny way. Zombies, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, mummies … nothing is missing in this dark universe that leads us to fight, alone or in the company of other players, in a variety of locations set in the present time. One of the distinctive features of the game against other MMOs. It’s not the only one.


Secret World Legends analysis

There are many adventures to live in Secret World Legends, and those that are to come! Funcom prepares new content that extends the original.

In its day the design of missions of The Secret World was surprising and it continues being five years later, due to the strong narrative load that precedes the majority of these, but especially, by the so-called research missions , that will take us to perform authentic follies such as following tracks through the Internet, deciphering manuscripts by translating them from Ara


bic into Hebrew, or finding the coordinates of an objective thanks to a message in Morse to mention only some of these. Without clues or information on what to do and where to go, Funcom bets on the ARG concept(Alternate Reality Game), taking the action of your game off the computer screens. It’s as fun and smart as it sounds, and it’s really exciting to solve some of these tasks, they’re absolutely great. Not everything is like that in Secret World Lege


nds, because there are also quite typical secondary tasks that detract from the final group. The more it resembles a traditional graphic adventure, a life-long RPG, the Funcom game reaches an amazing level of excellence, but its MMO facet is not always up to the task.


Secret World Legends PC

Surprising for the quality of its narrative and great atmosphere

For more fans to enjoy the experience the Age of Conan authors have chosen to simplify some of the capital aspects of the original, such as t

heir curious system of skill progression, which now presents a more traditional style. At the start of the game you choose a predetermined class, with its specific weapons and its unique characteristics, and then, to your liking, you personalize it by taking skills from other fields to create a hero that suits your style. There is still a lot of freedom, as in the original, although now it is easier to balance your power and find perfect combinations to battle the enemie
s. Even at times it is difficult to understand the synergies between one and other skills, but you can see the good work of Funcom at the time of simplifying the experience without losing all the depth that the original treasured. It is not the only change. The combat system has also undergone a profound renovation, with a clear commitment to dynamism.


Secret World Legends

Forget about setting targets and launching attacks cyclically. In Legends you can not be still for a second; You must avoid the enemy’s attacks, but also take into account the particularities of your weapons and magical skills to get the most out of them. Funcom has endowed each character class with different game mechanics so that battle, whether with shotguns, swo


rds, spells or machine guns, is a completely different experience. By using magic, for example, we can increase the power of the spells by overheating our body but, of course, without going through, because then we will suffer the consequences. Other skil


ls, by accumulating energy, unleash magic from the chaos around us, enhancing the abilities of the allies or diminishing the power of the enemies. As we can also combine two sets of different skills, the combat possibilities are quite high, although battles are not always as exciting and fun as you would expect. You can see that in some aspects this Secret World review is anchored to the past, and it has some appeal.