Category: Games TOP


There is much more behind this video game than it appears at first glance; is more than just a simple imitator of Konami’s classic but in 2D , and that’s something I …

Hollow Knight

It is so enigmatic, so strangely beautiful, that you do not need more than a couple of seconds to understand that you are facing something, not unique, that it …


I would do it fully if 2Dark did not present certain design errors that make it less attractive. Its premise, the idea of ​​going out there in search of kidnapped childrenby authentic psychopaths I find …

Thimbleweed Park

So happy, even more, so I’m amazed with Thimbleweed Park , the new graphic adventure work of the parents of the great Mania   c Mansion that no !, have not gone crazy …


The excitement was with me and since then, I have waited impatiently for the release of Yooka-Layle , the great spiritual successor of the classic Banjo & Kazooie . Has it lived up to …

Snake Pass

It is a species known for its bright colors, but also for possessing one of the most dangerous poisons. However, between loading screens we are clarified that ours is vegetarian, …

Full Throttle Remastered

The new format that solved the problem of the increasingly abundant 3 and 1/4 discs allowed to create larger sprites, more complex animations, digital soundtrack and voices throughout the adventure. This is …