Author: Kane Dane


Run, but do not know why The narrative component is certainly not the strong point of Downward and it is already seen from the first frames, seen and revised in many …

Pokémon Go

Legends and Mysteries Commonly in the “Pokémon Leggendari” category are also included Mysterious Pokémon, a different type of rare Pokémon whose distinction has officially started since the 5th Generation. The difference …


“Well, Bart is turning the omelet in the Orwellian way!  Exit next August 15, Observerhe puts us in the role of neural detective Daniel Lazarski, also known as the Observer. Our …


What happened? As Amy Ferrier, you have to finish the job for which you have been contracted: embark inside the deserted space station called Tacoma and recover ODIN, the …

Wolfenstein 2

How was The New Colossus born in the minds of developers? Did he have an idea already during the development of The New Order? Ever since we started working for Wolfenstein , …