It so happens that talk about the game objectively – not an easy task. And it’s not in the preferences of specific authors or the media. The design of some projects …
We acknowledge openly in LawBreakers utilitarian characters. The game does not rely on characters (here winning for a long time won Overwatch ), the emphasis is solely on combat mechanics – it is their …
StarCraft: Remastered Developer : of Blizzard Entertainment’s Publisher : of Blizzard Entertainment’s platform List: the PC August 14th on personal computers came out of StarCraft: Remastered , reissue of the first part of the famous strategy …
Some players were surprised announcement of the second season of Batman: The Telltale Series at the end of July. Make a worthy continuation of a few months – a difficult task. Let’s say …
The story about how the modern SEGA ruined one of its flagship series, is worthy of Hollywood movies. A series of outstanding two-dimensional platformer with a good admixture of the runner (classic, …
The fact that few people decided to come to the exhibition gamescom 2017 to the present scale, it was known in advance. That Microsoft held their show in the format of an …
Imagine that at each entry in a team game you come across teammates Class “Zhirinovsky”, which not only beautifully drained but delighted to provoke conflicts, insults enjoying chatting. Why, even …
Most recently, at the June E3, I was able to a nodding acquaintance with EA projects, preparing to enter next fall. Sometimes I had to look for developers shoulder. But …
Arts has of Electronic – one of the few companies who decided to arrange for a full gamescom 2017 conference. And though there were no particular surprises, to see all the …
Microsoft – one of the few gaming giants are still holding a press conference at gamescom. “Pressuhi” exhibition in Cologne – a dying format, real old school. But this time more and …