Cruelty and skabreza now in vogue. Raznezhennye city dwellers, my entire life is not curled neck is not a single chicken, enthusiastic peep from movies and games with the rating …
Parteyku in D & D, combined with the LAN-party – in this edition was not. Well, it might have guessed. Shortly before we met with the regime of the Game to Master …
In any genre, there are always things for many become a measure of quality. And let the technology to make a great leap forward, let the schedule is already dangerously …
Online game with so familiar to the ear called Icarus known for quite some time. For example, in Europe and America, thousands of people are already fighting in the local a fantasy …
From the first frame Rime players begin to torment the powerful sense of deja vu. All this we have seen more than once. Of Colossus of the Shadow , Ico , Legend of Zelda , yes Journey finally – immediately …
Usually this: crimson, downloadable game, launch it from the pile of Champions vending choose, you get a team with strangers begin the match … and instantly lose. It does not …
Well, nothing. All these years, the game worked best minds studio MOTIGA , nestled under the wing of the publisher the Perfect World . Despite the funny name for a Russian ear the professionals working …
Releases major platformer can be on one hand the last couple of years to count, so that fans of the genre have to either settle for reprints of classics, …
After the end of the event The New OrderIt took 5 months. Pathetic atomic explosion could not kill Blaskovicha, but the old habit again fell into a coma – now, however, …
Eternal is still in the early access, and its creators are remarkable because they have already released two very successful CCT: of The Elder Scrolls Legends and the Pokemon the TCG . In Russia, it …