Category: Popular Games
The biggest surprise The International 2017 at the moment – this is not a rigid dominance of teams from China (which was to be expected), and the announcement of …
Valve embarking on a new, more active phase of the battle with card farmers. Henceforth the company will scrutinize all development requests, requiring too many clues to their games. Steam owners …
Can games be separate from the consumer, in a kind of elitist vacuum, as art for art’s sake? . Specifying the pathetic question, Perry himself at him and answered – in …
“Video games lead you to a dead end” – this view is completely obsolete today, because now a talented cyber sportsman can get more successful lawyer. Fresh research by Momentum …
Shooters honored to become a recognized kiberdistsiplinoy, actually not so much. And if we exclude from this category of hero-shooter, which clearly felt the impact of MOBA (Ulta, skill is …
Absolver looked dark horse with the announcement and up to release. On rollers and developer diaries was difficult to understand how to make money with the combat system of the fighting …
Starting with no further ado, a pair of short shots that acquire meaning in the end. And now the voice belonging to the green sword in human growth, calling the …
On the passage of the level in the Super Time Force is given minute. This is too little, so if you suddenly died, spent limit or you just need help, …
Among the Sleep – horror with an unusual main character. We see the world through the eyes of the game year-old child. At first, here is sunny and comfortable: in the …
If I had one scene to illustrate the essence of the past Telltale Games, then I would choose the one in which dies one of the actors. Tellingly, before being …