Category: News
he launch of the Destiny 2 beta, for those who have preordered, brought thousands more players the chance to experience the latest iteration of what has been one of the most …
Next Jump: Schmup Tactics is a great idea for a game. The combination of bullet hell and turn-based strategy is wholly unique. The graphics and music are both top notch, …
I have been asked quite a few times in the past which fighting game I got into first, or which fighting game it was thatturned me into a fan …
PGL Krakow was the second major of the year, after ELEAGUE Atlanta. Valve always had a reputation for picking the best people when it comes to hosting the major. …
Every once in a while those of us that constantly look for something new and refreshing are sometimes bothered by the fact that there are, unfortunately, many games that …
I‘ve always been a big fan of the point and click genre. I must admit that as I’ve gotten older I’ve become less patient, and have had less time …
Aporia: Beyond the Valley is a first-person exploration narrative game with lite puzzle mechanics thrown in Legend of Zelda dungeons. Being a narrative-first game, this review won’t delve into those elements to …
Crash has had a full revamp in the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and fans are loving it. Deep nostalgia for some and a new, refreshing experience for others …
Sprites play a very important role in Yonder as they allow you to clear Murk. If you’re looking for where to find all of the Sprites this Yonder: The …
In Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles you will be able to find various side quests throughout the world. Some of the quests are easy and some of them are …