Author: Kane Dane
Sleeping Dogs is a video game that is handy, and is one of the most fun of the last few years, able to compete quietly even with the most prominent …
You’re six ninjas The story of the game follows the story of the film and sees six young people as the protagonists who, in addition to conducting their normal …
Founded in 2009 by former members of Starbreeze Studios, MachineGames is based in Uppsala, Sweden. Acquired by Bethesda Softworks at the end of 2010, it is a study made up …
The fire returns as the narrator’s element, also cited by a mystical appearance of Chloe’s father with a dialogue in a very disturbing context, unpublished for Life is Strange , which …
Taking a climb, therefore, becomes a very different exercise from going downhill, or from shaking to find the right space during a fly. We will come back later on these …
A few days before departure for Los Angeles, direction E3 2017, we were invited by Big Ben interactive in Paris to attend BBWeek. It was a press event, in which …
In recent days, busy playing to Hunting Simulator , I found myself in an interesting discussion about the “simulations”, or in general the gaming experience a bit ‘different from the norm. The …
Five names circled in red Valkyria Revolution tells two parallel stories, and does it from the end, or a student and a professor who, on the day of Jutland’s national …
The stage of the E3 2017 was a very important moment for Call of Duty fans . The celebrity brand Activision has in fact been shown to the public, thanks to a playable …
What is driving you? With the development of online distribution platforms and the steadily decreasing retail sales, the various Steam, Xbox Store, e-Shop and PlayStation Store are becoming the …