Author: Kane Dane

Wolfenstein 2

How was The New Colossus born in the minds of developers? Did he have an idea already during the development of The New Order? Ever since we started working for Wolfenstein , …

Planet Nomads

With the expectation and uncontrollable desire to try No Man’s Sky , trying to forget the controversy that accompanied the following period the exit, it was clear an important aspect: the …

Sudden Strike 4

There is also an Italian front The first impact is definitely positive: as opposed to what’s usually happening with this kind of titles, all menus and voices are translated into …

Sonic Mania

Speed ​​is nothing without control In the standard games of the series, speed was not the only thing that counted: although it was a major part of the gameplay …

Cities: Skylines

Around the road circuit you can develop the three classic building areas: residential, commercial and industrial. At first, only low population density areas are available, which turn into terraced cottages, …