oofy Mii characters created by fans usually appear as an afterthought dotted around random big name Nintendo titles. Miitopia aims to change this by putting the little guys in …
Sonic Mania has released today and fans are going wild, the game is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and later PC. This is what I thought …
497 years ago your forefathers discovered that a dark deity would destroy all but the purest of humanity, sparking a cult that sacrifices sinners. You are the High Priest …
Bloober Team released on PC (coming to Xbox One and PS4) its next game following on from their success with the haunting Layers of Fear. Now with legendary Blade …
PlayStation LifeStyle recently got a chance to talk with Welson Gan, the Co-Founder of Magnus Games, about their upcoming co-op RPG sim Re:Legend. In the interview, he answers questions abou …
In a weird kind of way, Matterfall is what Mighty No. 9 was supposed to be. Artistically, the Housemarque developed side-scroller couldn’t be different to Keiji Inafune’s cartoon Kickstarter, but the gameplay – …
Horror is in Bloober Team’s blood. Even after the ill-fated Basement Crawl, the developer took stock and released Layers of Fear, a P.T.-esque first person horror title with a painter gone mad. …
Good versus bad has never been funnier. Agents of Mayhem hasn’t had a whole lot of talk from the gaming community. I’ll be the first to admit even I …
This article contains minor spoilers for Horizon: Zero Dawn Famed sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke once posited three laws, the last of which stated, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable …
Watch where you’re sticking that sewage pipe! If you’ve been a gamer for any time in the last few decades you’ve probably played a sim game or two. If …