The narrative universe of Star Wars has always been founded on the search for a balance between two extremes. Between the Light Side and the Dark Side, the passions of …
The story sees in this case Kang the Conqueror, evil traveler of the time, transform the city of Manhattan in a sort of temporal patchwork that unites, through a …
The starting point is FTL – Faster Than Light: Bomber Crew puts us in command of the crew of a bomber during the Second World War. Each crew member has …
Apparently the Stunlock Studios do not want to make him end the Bloodline Champions , their previous product, which has never really managed to take off. Who presaged a failure …
eason Pass to be purchased separately, or directly an already inclusive solution of all the DLC to be published, however a little further? Warner Bros. has preferred the first option: …
It is clear that, at this point, Square Enix is using Final Fantasy XV as a kind of platform on which to experiment what will probably be the future of the …
Among these is the GUTS, a kind of reality show in which the participants must literally dismember each other, trying to become the champions. Altogether on the roster there are …
And it is not that the results of recent years, with the due exceptions of course, are able to disprove us. Fortunately then comes a title like The Mummy Demastered …
In 1999, when Appeal launched Outcast exclusively on PC, things were not like that. The title then offered, for the first time, a series of dizzying content: an incredibly vast …
Released in June 2006 by Iron Lore, a development studio formed by former Ensemble Studios (Age of Empires), it was expanded the following year with Immortal Throne. At that …