Category: Popular Games
visual novel, which some are denied the right to be called the games are particularly popular in Japan, but in Russia they have a lot of fans, and not …
This summer the developers of the former Soviet Union especially generous in the game about robots. In August comes the first episode of an ambitious post-apocalyptic adventure The Uncertain by Moscow …
This Is the Police , as well as many, passed through a sieve of a Kickstarter, where, however, has collected only half of the required amount. Then the developers found …
Who lives at the bottom of the ocean? The girl, the true nature of which we disclose halfway to the junction, explores the ocean, occasionally jumping on the dolphin …
Kiberrasizm Generally, many similarities between the witcher Geralt and agent Adam Jensen. Even though the latter lives in the future, not the past, and distinguishes it is not a gray …
Roots The Settlersvisible to the naked eye. This graphic style reminiscent of the previous games in the series of urban planning, and some gameplay elements inherent in the genre, and not …
Your hero escape from the prison in which he was put goblins, gradually making their way through the rooms of the castle, on the way to cut off a …
This supplement is specially created for those who are so fed up with the leader of the Minutemen Preston Garvey and his repeated requests to distribute land to the …
Who else do the classic quest is not the author of Myst and Riven from the studio Cyan ? This is the brothers Robyn and Rand Millers (Robyn Miller, Rand Miller) in 1993, was demolished gamers roof fully three-dimensional game …
Princess saves herself similarities, of course, a lot. Starting with the development of history. Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empirealso makes a small studio, consisting of three people (they, however, did …