Category: Popular Games
A few days before departure for Los Angeles, direction E3 2017, we were invited by Big Ben interactive in Paris to attend BBWeek. It was a press event, in which …
The stage of the E3 2017 was a very important moment for Call of Duty fans . The celebrity brand Activision has in fact been shown to the public, thanks to a playable …
The destiny of Magalan Elex opens by putting the player in charge of Commander Jax, one of the high ranking officers of the Alba, one of the four factions …
First laps on the track Gran Turismo Sport immediately gives you the pleasure of giving you an Audi TTS Coupé as the first car to be beautifully seen in the …
The Saladin who turns (and trades) The 1993 edition of Giochi Senza Frontiere is hosted in Venice. One of the first challenges is to reach (by means of a “ship” …
The maps As mentioned in the opening, Absolution tends to excel, but they are all four interesting and well-developed. Rather than pointing at a particularly successful set-up, this time it was decided …
He looks like a multiplayer but he is not Starting from the basics, Illinois’s new creation is an open world in which the character is controlled by a third-person …
The experience of playing the title Epic Games is divided between the need to gather resources for the most varied reasons (many, as we will see), and to build …
Between a few (a few) days we will finally put our hands on Assassin’s Creed: Origins, the new chapter in the saga dedicated to the cult of Assassins returning to …
During this hot summer, maybe too, we had the pleasure of exchanging four words with Marc Sandifer, Product Manager Nexon, to talk about the renewed Combat: Arms, in its …