Category: Popular Games
Yesterday evening, The International 2017’s group stage finally kicked off, as I became almost overwhelmed with excitement. It’s been a long wait, but now that this year’s The International is underway, there …
irst of all, a disclaimer of sorts – This isn’t going to be a roast of Diablo III by any stretch of the imagination. As a fan of the …
The storytelling genre of “walking simulators” has come a long way since 2013’s Gone Home. It seems that we get at least a couple new ones every month, some are great …
After three years in early access on Steam, The Long Dark from Hinterland Studiohas released the first two episodes of their story mode, called “Wintermute”. Episodes One and Two, which are titled: Do …
Brewfest is a time of celebration all around Azeroth and beyond, where Horde and Alliance come together (kind of) and drink their character’s stupid. There is plenty of free …
During the early 90’s I played my fair share of video games. Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Super Mario Bros., Bonanza, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist were just a few of …
A few days ago, the top selling game on Steam was Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, and that took a lot of people by surprise. What is this game? Why …
With recent Nintendo trends, higher game difficulties, or ‘Hard Mode’, have seen a downgrade in priority. The trend of omitting a hard mode or putting it behind some type …
Depending on your point of view golf is either a good walk spoiled or in the words of one of golfing’s greats, Arnold Palmer, the greatest game mankind has …
Fortnite had me excited. I get sent a lot of games to review, many of them I’m not too interested to play but Fortnite was one I was eager …