Category: Popular Games
The original game on the spot Raziel free time, providing a full-fledged “sandbox” with a lot of options, how to live and behave in prison, how to plan an …
Fans Life is Strange once dubbed Before the Storm prequel, which nobody asked. Their skepticism is quite understandable – the development involved a completely different studio from French Dontnod had to project nothing, and the ending …
Although many think that Mario – for children, theme and presentation of the material in many parts of the series is quite pull in the category and for adults …
The heavenly bodies are not standing still, times are changing. Many famous franchises are created today are not the people who stood at the cradle. That’s another giant igrostroya going …
Valve sends an official letter to the serious warnings, many large roulette sites are closed, the famous yutubery, considered themselves above the law, start to panic and hire expensive …
In the IT world, there are many billionaires indirectly related to games. But we have set ourselves the task of finding those who have built their success solely on video games. Immediately …
Riot Studio, has created more than the famous League of Legends, celebrating this year’s tenth birthday. Now Riot – a giant futuristic building in Los Angeles, more than 1000 employees …
Not so long ago Gmbox already informed about the dizzying financial success of Tencent . Now I would like to concentrate on the future plans of the owners of League of Legends …
Fairly well-known in foreign circles Gameranx gaming channel (. 3 million 245 thousand subscribers) wondered – why digital copies of games are almost the same as and individuals? Downloading …
Suppose you are a video game developer. All of themselves such a unique and unrepeatable. Do you think that your next revolutionary brainchild of the entire market is waiting with bated …