Category: Popular Games
What is Space Hulk? This tabletop strategy game from Games Workshop in the setting of Warhammer 40,000, devoted to battles inside the derelict spaceships, where one player controls the squad Space Marines, …
As with most strategies to these universes, of Warhammer 40,000: Reach the Sanctus is dedicated to a tactical battle between the troops. In this case, we clashed Greenskin hordes who have already …
And yet the authors promise that we periodically have to shoot at the monsters to save ammo and first aid kits. So that certain comparisons with Resident Evil 7 were inevitable, though …
Mooseman of The , or in Russian “Chelovekolos”, invented and implemented Permians Vladimir Beletsky , hidden behind the studio with a wonderful name Morteshka . “Platformer adventure game” is ready for almost two years – …
Not too noble and fascinating thing – talking, and even more so to read about the rules of the card game. So I will not delve into the intricacies Faeria – it …
And with the Minecraft game little that binds at least in the Scene mode. In fact, the LEGO Worlds – a mixture of Dragon Quest Builders and … No Man’s Sky . But do not just bet on …
During passage on the first mission, I found a great big ax, therefore, used the experience to branch Thor – the god improves skill with a two-handed weapon. Very quickly, …
The plot puts the action in the distant future, in the third millennium, where people actively use robots and furs. And some of them are actually merged with the machines …
Persona 5 as a slap in the face to the striking visual design that remain silent about it – a real crime. Here at an opportune pertinent proverb about that encounter …
This collection is aimed at those wishing to learn the whole story of Sora and understand why strange RPG with a bunch of Disney characters have gained such popularity. …