Offworld Trading Company is so fast that it can easily be mistaken for a banal “clicker”. In fact, it is more difficult to some HunieCam Studio and deeper “simulator pornomagnata» The Wet (which is not “clicker” at all, but is also dedicated to the rapid decision-making in a very … difficult situations), but all the wisdom of this supposedly difficult games disclosed hour for two. And in the next three hours, she just bored.
Offworld Trading Company Review

Although the description on the Steam page promises that each party will play in a new way, developers openly dissemble. Indeed: in the OTC are not so many types of raw materials and products, but even in this situation it is difficult to predict what will behave invisible hand. Another thing is that what you now more profitable to sell food, and tomorrow – steel, fundamentally nothing has changed.

We base our production, necessarily appear next to competitors, from that moment begins the battle for life, and controlling stakes. Time has gone: quickly, but prudently provide ourselves with everything necessary. Electricity, water, food, etc., companies in mining and creating of these products. And then we somehow hoard huge amount of money and buy up all the competitors. The end!

Of course, that just haggling Martian apples and aluminum no one will. It is possible to operate by economic methods – to force down prices, creating a surplus, but the game is not particularly encouraging. It is much better to seek the patronage of the local mafia, and they will protect the desired object from the encroachments of its neighbors, and with pleasure to organize a strike at rival factory.

Offworld Trading Company Review

More civilized option is also available. For example, you can create by hackers allegedly lack or overabundance of certain goods. Patented technology can teleport, and then market the shark can not pinch your transporters because transport itself will not. No longer need them!

It seems that there is much, but the euphoria of the first hour passes quickly when you realize that in principle the party from each other do not differ.

Yes, of course, of course, no one disputes that there is always something that can go wrong, that the choice we offer several corporations, each with its own approach to business, which in theory should create the most variety.

But usually the process is as follows: using all available applications (local administration will allow to establish a certain amount of production), we follow the columns from the left edge of the screen. Excess or deficiency? The current market price – rising or falling? The pace of production – sufficient, or is better to give to someone in the leg to be able to develop new mineral deposits? Still need to watch out for a sign in the upper right corner: If the opponent will buy most of the shares of your company – you’re dead.

Offworld Trading Company Review

That’s the whole game. It is even difficult to call strategy. Not because there are no units, but we alternately setting new houses, the next to see how the new houses bring us unprecedented profits.

Or loss. It is rather a simulator top manager who needs everything to be “just right”, although OTC is clearly far from ideal economic games: too few types of raw materials and products, too conditional local “market”, it is necessary to rely too much on the fictional and frankly bizarre competitive methods such as underground nuclear explosions.

Characteristically, in the “campaign” is a series of moments that make the game a little more interesting. In between the cards we take strategic decisions – where to invest money, what to buy, what to ignore.