Category: Half Life Alyx

Endless Space 2

Endless Space 2 can briefly be described like this – take the mechanics of the original dokrutili additional details, moved the game on a new engine and turned out well. It …

Even the Get

Even the Get  – an attempt to relatively obscure Polish band The Farm 51 break out in people. Studio founded by former employees of People Can Fly, the one that stood …


In Bayonetta is nothing usual – probably why it is so attractive. This is the same Japanese hell (one of the best of its representatives!), From which some turn up …

Urban Empire

Never before writing a review of the game was given to the author of these lines with so much difficulty. Qualitative Review suggests an attempt to present an arguable objective …

Syberia 3

Mammoths and timid mils Keyt Uoker – oh, how they are associated with warm memories, funny, and sometimes sad. It is terrible to imagine, but it took thirteen years since, …