Category: CS GO
The protagonist – a cleaner local corporations FizzCo, who holds in his hand the government and with the help advertisers and beautiful words turned the public opinion, as he …
The fact that The Legend of Korra is released under the Nickelodeon license, is seen from the first minute – the game begins with the title sequence of the series. After you …
According to the latest issues it was clear that Konami is in the throws: the Japanese were looking for the right direction for the development of its football simulator, …
hin Megami Tensei has always been a TV series for her. Rules here is very severe – the way to win is comparable to jogging on hot coals lying through …
For those who are not familiar with the genre, here are brief MOBA-games. In general, every match is as follows: two teams of players fight in a symmetrical map. Each …
One in space Learn the basics of movement in the suit that, I must say, it is not so easy as it seems, we are immediately thrown into space.Unceremoniously, …
The plot of Shadow of the Beast is plain: black magician turned into a monster character named Aarbron freed from the control of their dark lord and sent him to revenge, …
A brief history: in 1990, the first part of Fire Emblem single-handedly created the genre of tactical JRPG. One of its key features was a permanent character death in battle: …
Moreover, almost everything you can read about the game in the network – the truth. Both poor and good. The Stellaris really fun to play, because every party is different from …
Story in Homefront: The Revolution is about the same as in the past, only some of the details have changed. America is unsuccessful war in the Middle East and …