Category: Gameplay Videos
Checking the Score is a feature about video game music, composers, musicians and tools of the trade. It’s not often that I find a succession of musical genres and …
Developer: Christian Whitehead, Headcannon, PagodaWest Games Publisher: SEGA Platform Reviewed: PC Release Date: August 15, 2017 Acquired via: Purchased by Reviewer I feel that there is something I need to get out of the …
It won’t take long for this game to take its troll on you! Troll and I deserves an award. It is the first video game that I have ever played where I …
Mention the phrase ‘wave shooter’ to any long standing virtual reality (VR) fans and the likelihood of a groan and roll of the eyes will follow. In the 17 …
After almost 30 years, the Madden NFL series is rarely surprising. Fans think they know what to expect each year: a handful of small but meaningful mechanical tweaks, roster …
Sonic Mania blessed the world with its retro-styled gameplay this past Tuesday. While a lot of the focus was on how good the game was as a whole, Tee …
How far does a game have to fall before a company makes some sort of major decision to set things to rights? When do exploits, which can often be …
Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. Until Original Journey, I cannot say that I …
About a year ago a friend and I seized the opportunity to attend an advanced screening of The Eyes of My Mother, a harrowing and disturbing indie horror film. In the film, …
When I first heard that they were making Sonic Mania, I was concerned. Sonic the Hedgehog’s recent track record is troublesome. The last game I enjoyed was Generations, and …