Category: Gameplay Videos


Video games have long grown up. Today, it is a complex art, the result of joint work of musicians, writers, artists and programmers. Games raise important questions, talk on socially important …

Friday the 13th

To talk about  Friday the 13th (2017) and compare it with the  Dead by the Daylight  – is unrealistic, because both of these games are not only very similar stylistically, but also belong …

THE F1 2017

At this year’s Grand Prix of Azerbaijan Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel boarded Mercedes rival Lewis Hamilton. During the Grand Prix of Russia in the first year of my career, FJanuary …


In its best moments Yooka-Laylee reminds me of why the three-dimensional platformers were some of my favorite games of the last two decades. I remember with a smile bright worlds, …


There are many strange games. Some of them “on good terms” strange: tightening setting, interesting characters and unexpected plot twists; other excessive originality in the best case does not add any …