Author: Kane Dane
In Beyond Gotham writers went beyond the traditional history and pushed in one game two huge universes – Gotham’s classic characters and superheroes “Justice League.” The plot is not …
Over some time, Rogue even managed not to fall into the pre-set traps me. Largely thanks to the protagonist – Sheyu Patrick Cormac – folding and stories. Surprisingly, it is …
War of Mine the this – a game about the war, which would be worth to take place within the framework of extra-curricular activities on the history of high school …
Borderlands has always been first and foremost a game about shooting and millions of guns, with insane performance and appearance. But despite this, the writers each time managed to collect …
In the third part of the authors we returned to the familiar concept: in the center of the story – again elected, who in one person embodies and the …
Dark Below the story missions are not much different from the original Destiny : three indecently short quest in total will take you no more than one and a half hours, …
The main achievement of the game – it’s her world. From Los Angeles to the sultry south, from New York to the snowy mountain passes – in The Crew is …
According to the latest issues it was clear that Konami is in the throws: the Japanese were looking for the right direction for the development of its football simulator, …
Man – a being curious. During his life, we tend to seek to learn more about the world around us, the history of our ancestors, unreachable stars – in short, …
hin Megami Tensei has always been a TV series for her. Rules here is very severe – the way to win is comparable to jogging on hot coals lying through …