Author: Kane Dane
Where everything started A Total War law and mind runs fast at Creative Assembly and, consequently, at SEGA, publisher and shoulder of the strategic time, but it has not always been the …
The philosophy behind Shenmue’s success From Shenmue, a completely new philosophy emerged in creating role play. The typical footprint of this genre was revealed in an experience in which narration, …
Not everything is as it seems Fall of Light opens with a movie that could safely be the beginning of a possible Dark Souls 4 , or, taking the pronounced words out …
The affair Konami-Kojima has changed several things in the future of both contenders; the immediate implications we all suffered were reflected in that Metal Gear Solid Vthat did not find its …
Those who have not seen the movie can, in the first place, be quiet: the video game, a classical arcade racing game, has a very simple story told in …
The Turing Test , Xbox One. Weight: 8.92GB Rating: 3 hard drives per 5 . The Turing Testcan be downloaded from 16 October to 15 November. This is a first-person puzzle game that …
His economic and social heritage will remain in history, no doubt, as well as his links to the world of video games. Like every figure of such media importance, Hugh …
In itself, Final Fantasy IX is a very traditional Japanese role-playing game. They control four characters at a time and makes them explore environments and battle monsters. These need to be addressed according …
Given this amount of content and the lack of some at auction (Auction House, Forzathon and Leagues), then considered the embargo placed even one day after receiving the code, …
The narrative antecedent and subsequent sequencing have not been altered: Nathan (the default name that can be changed at will) after the events of the first episode, he masters …