NieR: Automatic

The first invasion forced a great part of humanity to flee from the planet, finding shelter and asylum on the moon, becoming the new base of life and prosperity. Linked to their original home, humans have decided to try to recover what they belonged to, thus sending a group of androids, the YoRHa team, to Earth to fight the invaders. Unlike the machines, the YoRHa volunt


eered to deny any kind of emotion and refused to be recognized by a name that cascaded on letters and numbers. Guided by the Bunker, a reconnaissance base located in the ” orbit above Earth, Androide No. 2 Model B, known as 2B, follows his commander’s instructions to overthrow the Goliath assault on Earth. To support the female model, there will be a


n Androide Scanner, model number S, known as 9S, conditioned by a much stronger emotion and the latent desire to be and think like a human, trying to learn as much as possible about the past of the their own masters. Their mission will be to support Resistance and finally put an end to the conflict that is breaking the Earth even more than it did with the first invasions. But their journey will be troubled by the need to give way to the emotional, the affection and the sadness,


reaching the important question that will lead them to ask:
The scenario created by Yoko Taro, in line with all that the director has told us about in his years of work, has a narrative force that is harsh not only in the adventure we have in our hands but also in our head:the depth of what is being told is not so much in showing us the conflict on Earth but on making us think about the feelings and experiences of YoRHa 2B and 9S. Their encounter with some incredibly strong and distinguished characters, such as


Pascal Biomachine, who rejected the order to fight, and Adam & Eve, the antagonists of the story, convey the passion that Taro has put into his characters and how much each of them know how to give us, in their dialogues, the discomfort of a car that has discovered the feeling. The story goes smoothly, with all the dialogues written in a precise and never out of place, easy to understand and leaving the right room for supposition, but to enrich the narrative experience is surely the escamotage of the final multiples.Nier: Automatize at least three times to get a picture of what is happening o


n Earth and to be able to adequately understand what is surrounding 2B and 9S. Especially since every run will see us as a character, enjoying the point of view of all the characters in the story, and every time we restart the game we will be able to see completely new scenes that enrich our doubts, questions and the perpetual anelare of a response to the above question: can an androide cry? Or not 2B

NieR: Automatic

2B is a strong, incredibly Stoic character who has decided to deny any kind of emotion and fraternity, even against 9S, who will become his inseparable battle companion in an attempt to regain the dominion of the Earth. Despite its bushy character and the heartbreaking heartbreak, 2B exudes femininity in every bolt, in its running, in its running, in its being a solemn and draconian woman: Nier’s first run : Automaticis a stylistic pleasure, besides narrative and gameplay, which is less when we are 9S for the second run. The android scanner is pretty much the opposite of 2B: despite its experience on the


battlefield, its soul is torn apart by the solitude of its role, which in any case has not hardened it, but has weakened it. Being adolescent in her

way of doing so, she is often expansive and enthusiastic about any small demonstration of affection by anyone around her, but never lose skepticism about what she does not know. His inclination to the human being is strong and oft

en denoted by his analysis and testing of all the places of the Earth where mankind once lived in his everyday life. To miss it, in its way of being, is also the ability to be lethal,NieR Automata , in fact, never fears being bloody, ne


ver afraid of prevailing the strength of the blood and the infuriated opponent. The mission must be completed, at any cost, and to do so, Platinum Games re-launches its own battle horse, a dynamic and frantic gameplay that necessarily compels compromises, as we had pointed out in the last hands on.