Tag: cybersport
In the summer of 2023, the seventh season of the superhero series will be released Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. It will be the final for the show, which launched …
In 2019, the Japanese studio Onion games surprised fans of the classics, by releasing on Nintendo Switch the cult “anti-RPG” Moon: Remix RPG Adventure. The port is now simply …
During the presentation on GTC China 2019 general manager NVIDIA Jensen huang declaredthat video cards GeForce RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti graphic accelerators of consoles of the future …
This year Toshiba sold its laptop business to a company Sharp. However, the first decisions of the line Dynabook will appear on the market only in 2023. One of …
Have begun hard drive trial supplies Ultrastar DC HC550 and Ultrastar DC HC650 18 and 20 TB. They were developed by the company Western digital, and trial lots have …
Portal Metacritic continued to summarize the year, this time collecting lowest rated films. The list included only those paintings, which came out at least seven reviews. And even so, …
A week ago Devolver digital in jest announced ultimatum: if by December 21 the publisher’s twitter account is not read by 2 million people, it will cancel all video …
Film company Sony Pictures Entertainment put off movie output Bloodshot for three weeks. Now in the United States, the picture will not be released on February 21, but on …
The minuses turned out to be complicated names like kikimora, the presence of nudity, Geralt’s bad wig, annoying Buttercup, sloppy narrative structure and general dullness. However the show runner …
Editors TIME called the top ten games of the past decade – true, without a distribution of places. Authors of the magazine, on the fresh cover of which flaunts …