War movies have always been a particular favorite with me. Countless times growing up, I watched classics like The Dirty Dozen, The Longest Day, A Bridge Too Far, …
In years past, using HDTVs as PC displays was something you could do, but the experience typically provided some huge drawbacks compared to conventional monitors. Most TV manufacturers designed …
My colleague Marco is the Destiny veteran, having spent over three months of in-game time in the original and its expansions. He even went to E3 and interviewed Deej from Bungie, so those who …
I have been asked quite a few times in the past which fighting game I got into first, or which fighting game it was thatturned me into a fan …
une was a strong month for the gaming industry in the United States. PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch are selling well, and a bunch of fighting games and console …
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is hard to categorize. It meanders with a pleasant, lazy pace through half a dozen genres and homages without ever feeling completely settled on …
PGL Krakow was the second major of the year, after ELEAGUE Atlanta. Valve always had a reputation for picking the best people when it comes to hosting the major. …
Let’s be honest, one of the best elements of any game in the Final Fantasy series is the selection of summons available. Leveling opponents with weapons and spells is certainly fun, …
SuperPhillip Central’s been on a much needed vacation for the past couple weeks or so, but here’s some new content for the readers that pass by regularly and every …
A game about the struggles of creativity and inspiration. Help a composer, artist, and mathematician break through their internal troubles, fears, and anxieties and reach their potential. A episodic …