Press release: RIDGEWOOD, NJ (July 24, 2017) – The legendary World War II Real-Time-Strategy series Sudden Strike returns to Windows PC, and premiers for the first time on …
Epic has just released Fortnite into a period of Early Access (on their own platform), ahead of a full, free to play, launch next year. Intrigued by the concept of a …
Jumping into a team-based online match in a fresh new game is an exciting moment. Gigantic may have a unique concept but is there currently enough content to provide …
General game information Game name: Iron Tides Release date: 24 July, 2017 (Early Access) Price: US$ 14.99 (the developers have announced that the price will increase when the game leaves Early …
After you discover your first treasure chest you will realize that the loot inside is often amazing. You should make it your goal to source the Fortnite treasure chests …
Having spent some time playing Fortnite, I can say for sure that there is a bit of a learning curve. The main homebase UI is quite large and complex …
FINAL FANTASY XI: WINGS OF THE GODDESS Let’s kick this off by saying, none of the expansions for either of the Final Fantasy MMORPGs are objectively terrible. Obviously, some …
Superhot debuted back in February of last year, the slow motion mechanic pair with movement was revolutionary and taught players to slow down in order to progress quickly. The …
Edith Finch has arrived at her family home hoping to find a use for a key left in her possession. It’s a mysterious home, towering over the trees around …
Throughout the decades-long history of video games, our expectations of the kinds of features that a “modern” game should possess have gradually evolved. For example, several years ago, it …