Become the Governor of your own colony on Aven Prime. Battle resource deficiencies as the planet fights back against foreign visitors. Become a beacon of hope for future expeditions …
A beautiful world and a captivating mystery. Sound good? Aporia offers both in a neatly crafted and compelling package, with some novel puzzle design layered on top. INTRODUCTION Aporia: …
Making its way down the tarmac with guns blazing and all cylinders firing, Crashday has returned by popular demand in Crashday: Redline Edition with a complete graphical overhaul. Developed by Moonbyte …
LawBreakers, originally called Blue Streak, was a free to play game or that’s what the theory was. However, that has all changed. It comes in two flavours available on the …
When you hear talks about “the power of the cloud,” probably Microsoft’s Xbox One and Windows 10 game Crackdown 3 will come to mind. The title uses cloud technology by Edinburgh-based …
What a remarkable game Sonic Mania is. Not just that it’s good (which it is), but that it exists at all. You can check out my interview with some of the heads …
Let me tell you a story. Long ago, in the ancient era of…2014, there existed an indie game called Nidhogg which made an unexpected splash on the fighting game circuit. It …
If you could sum up the Saints Row series in one word, ‘absurd’ would fit rather nicely. Agents of Mayhem however threatens to push the absurd even further as …
GET READY TO EXPLORE IN DESTINY 2 GUARDIANS Destiny was riddled with a slew of complaints from the community, we all know this. Then Bungie fixed some things and we have …
New Expansion to Popular MMO Space Combat Game Pocket Starships Lets Players Fight the Borg with New Ships, Equipment and Characters from the Star Trek™ Franchise and Engage in …