His economic and social heritage will remain in history, no doubt, as well as his links to the world of video games. Like every figure of such media importance, Hugh …
In itself, Final Fantasy IX is a very traditional Japanese role-playing game. They control four characters at a time and makes them explore environments and battle monsters. These need to be addressed according …
Given this amount of content and the lack of some at auction (Auction House, Forzathon and Leagues), then considered the embargo placed even one day after receiving the code, …
The narrative antecedent and subsequent sequencing have not been altered: Nathan (the default name that can be changed at will) after the events of the first episode, he masters …
Milan Games Week colors in Italy One step forward, we said, for a market – the Italian one – that year after year sees to increase its turnover with …
Sell souls to the devil The Cuphead plot is minimalist and comes in the introductory phase and during the transitions between the three worlds that make up the adventure. The protagonist finds himself …
Getting into a video game like Ruiner is a fortune. Strong but incredibly true concept, because the little indie pearls of Reikon Games boys leave their mouths open to the idea, the …
News of the week Let’s open right away with what was the most anticipated news of the past few days – the new Red Dead Redemption 2 video . Without revealing yet …
Five characters looking for author We were initially promised to offer you only a conversion analysis for the Nintendo hybrid console rather than the gameplay itself, of which the …
In the futuristic world of Modern Combat Versus, the Octo and Korp corporations have hired mercenary mercenaries to decimate the most powerful faction. How? Giving bullets to bullets, of course. This is where the …