At the beginning of last year the Polish studio Bloober Team surprised us with Layers Of Fear , a first-person horror adventure with a strong n arrative charge, which stood out for …
Mages of Mystralia is a small videogame, but done with great affection. It proposes an adventure to us with delicate simplicity, but that is fixed in the great ones. The title …
Keeping your spirit The graphical section presents slight improvements with respect to the first, although at first glance it remains with its characteristic s Absolver tyle, this time thanks to the …
Absolver is the first game from the developer Sloclap, formed by former Ubisoft workers. It is edited by Devolver Digital, an independent distri butor with a lot of experience in the …
Forgotten Forest «Trees, trees, millions of trees, massive, immense, that climbed upwards (…). It made one feel very small, very lost » . -Joseph Conrad, The Heart of Darkness. WORLD TO THE …
Although this is the basic presentation of the game, the initial chapters in which we know the characters and their basic characteristics take a few hours of action, serving …
NBA Playgrounds is one of those downloadable games that was watched with some interest in recent weeks. The first trailer that appeared in the title invited to remember arcade-style sports games, …
Like the general language, the terms that delimit the genres of videogames are a tool in constant evolution. There was a time when no one would have called metroidvanias the …
The French Swing Swing Submarine are the creators of this indie jewel that was released in 2015 on Windows, OS X and Linux. This study, founded in 2009, is …
Telepaths Tree’s debut feature , a young studio based in Warsaw (Poland), aims to transport us to a lost world in which the line that separates flesh from gears is blurred, where …