Category: Popular Games
The second point – little change from a content point of view. Star Fox Zero (especially at first) is déjà vu seems to be exactly the same level of choice …
Icons, interface elements, stylized graphics – all this has changed a drop. The very graphic, due to the relatively weak output platforms, too, has not changed much. Although the schedule we’ll …
And “The Witcher 3” – role-playing game released in 2015, the year, and many gaming publications recognized “game 2015” on all platforms (Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC) shipped in the …
Let’s understand once the basic question: For Honor – a network action in the medieval style. Keyword – “network”. It is for online battles game was conceived and despite the existence …
The game itself has also become smaller. According to the in-game statistics, we passed it in 7 hours 36 minutes on average (standard) level of complexity. At the same time, Uncharted …
Become a professional racer can now everyone! A lot of fans heart-pounding and super-race cars – is not the main advantage of the game «Dirt 4″. Trails three continents full of …
You do not know how to occupy yourself for the next couple hours of waiting? Offer to play in the exciting online shooter game is present in the public domain …
Turn-based strategy Legend Eyzenvalda is undoubtedly one of the best early access games that have ever appeared on Steam. Game from the team from Belarus Aterdux Do the hard and …
It is finished, N’Vahi! What you’ve been asked, wiping frozen by the harsh climate of Skyrim tears on his face, there was – we were back in Morrowind. At the same …
The oldest genre of video game shoot ’em up – is experiencing another youth. We can not say, of course, that now he has a crazy popularity in the 90s, …