Category: Popular Games
Feminism, fascism, fatalism Over the past few years, I’m sure many of you have noticed, among the developers, especially independent, became a popular genre, so to speak, “interactive games”. They, …
Fans of Final Fantasy, it would seem, can not complain about the lack of games. After a month out full numbering part online FF XIV steadily gaining popularity and happy …
Nowadays, it is easy to pass for old school. Even pays tribute to New Order all modern trends once called retro-shooter, not to mention the Shadow Warrior or restarted, especially …
You do not know anything Before the game Modern Warfare Call of Duty series is not needed in the disclosure of motivation villains, because the writers did the story …
Company WayForward series Shantae – something like a beloved child. The first part, despite the difficulties in the development and trouble finding a publisher, entered the Game Boy Color in …
The Little Acre is an adventure game developed by Pewter Games Studio with Charles Cecil and published by Curve Digital.It was released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam The Little Acre is …
But there are some horror, that there is little sense in general, the obstacles are overcome one algorithm, and scary once. Unfortunately, iRec – this is exactly the case. We …
Three things that we liked operatives One of the new pieces in the Rainbow Six Siege – class system operatives. Each player selects a fixed part (in most cases) and …
It does not happen – it happens Volley “Hammer of Light” turned orc leader of a fireball. The captain of the last cruiser Greenskin faltered and gave the order to …
A few years ago in Japan left the game, which is the traditional Final Fantasy sample 90 differs only strange name – Bravely Default. To move away from wallowing in …