Category: Popular Games
Rebirth Cracking for the first time Denuvo did not clearly “completely defeat” the new anti-tampering technology: every game with the software requires a long process of dedicated protection , which also …
Also in the Funcom title there are all those dynamics that are now arcinote to enthusiasts of the genre: collection of objects, crafting, building, fighting. Grass, wood, stone and many …
In fact, the game gives you the opportunity to behave honestly: just started the executable, in fact, we found ourselves in front of the screen of a smartphone with …
We also rub the gold in space Despite the peculiar style of their older brothers, BATTLECREW Space Pirates is a two-dimensional shooter wholly voted on online multiplayer, and is currently available …
The early version of Northgard obviously has a cost, so the price is € 19.99 on Steam, so it’s a legitimate claim to know what the contents will be available when …
The taste of blood … and the war He has a great deal of curiosity about Call of Duty WWII’s single player campaign . Since its first release, the mode has tasted a …
Moira came In practical terms, Moira is a support , more precisely a healer. Character design is interesting, as always very attentive and functional. The androgynous and mysterious look is remarkably appreciated, as well as …
School trip to Mittelburg This year’s horror theater is Mittelburg, a snow-capped Bavarian village where precious works of art are hidden – as well as abominable bloodthirsty monstrosities, of …
The taste of blood … and the war He has a great deal of curiosity about Call of Duty WWII’s single player campaign . Since its first release, the mode has tasted a …
The life of the hero is not easy Badass Hero is a platform shooter, currently produced by the Polish team Awesome Games Studio and recently released on Steam in Early Access. At present, …