Category: Popular Games
Despite offering some mechanics that will be familiar to the veterans of the genre, there is a detail that completely changes the interaction. In this title we cease to be …
The Image & Form team is in a state of grace and, after surprising us with the fantastic SteamWorld Heist and their strategic battles in turns, they take us back to …
Precisely the previous title of this saga, Spelunker World , serves as the basis to give life to Spelunker Party! , a title that despite its name has nothing to do with family …
Some video games are primarily meant to discuss. The technique is to put in the focus of a problem that touches a large portion of users and create around the …
In any case, the feeling we have had approaching the 10 hours required to go into the story is that the narration has been proposed in a somewhat elusive way, …
In the era of internet and social networks it is now normal to expect the announcement of a new game from one moment to the next, in a totally …
In the universe of free-to-play games, it is increasingly difficult to find products that can hit the attention of the average player, with the risk of being in the …
Multiplayer mode Here we are at multiplayer , strong packet platter, as well as all-round Battlefront 2 , based on all the present modes. We start from the numbers: 10 terrestrial settings, 4 space, …
“Instead of using the ‘Adventure’ category, which seems to be limiting for this year’s titles, we have decided to create a new one that could include other works that …
A cat with pedigree For those who do not know it, the Grumpy Cat that gives the name to the game is nothing more than a famous kitten, renowned …