Category: Popular Games
Campaign Battlefield 1 starts very powerful. In terms of artistic value plot of the game is unique in the strength of its impact and the transfer of the central idea. What can we …
Start with the fact that the plot resembles a collection of quotations and stamps entitled “How to write a script for a half-hour of horror.” Where SOMA philosophically reflects on life and …
In short, here you need to take over the world. But your methods – with fire and sword, culture, landing on Mars or the preaching of God’s word – has …
Series Battlefield and Titanfall native one – disregard for the single player campaign. However, both the shooter made progressive steps in this field. If BF1 we got an unconventional approach to “single” organization, Respawn Entertainment has given us …
The game takes place in our days. Mom with son go by car in the city, to the rivers and forests of the west coast of Norway, but soon the …
The whistle of a steam locomotive, billowing smoke on the horizon of the Mojave Desert and flicks the whip of cloven-hoofed loin – it is the atmosphere of the …
Recall, of Age of Decadence for a long time in development, but when I got in the last year, created a furor among the fans of the genre, who appreciated not …
I’ve already talked about The Dwarves in previews . I recall that the German studio KING Art Games offers an interesting mix of large-scale battles, “sharpened” by the characters and their special abilities, and travel on …
The idea of the game is not new – climb higher but then slip quickly, without getting off the couch, could be more from the NES era and the …
This game is made openly on the patterns Commandos – and she’s not shy about it. Is that the action moved to the feudal Japan of the Edo period, when in 1615, …