Category: Play Station 4/5


Last year, I was able to meet with one of the representatives of the «Go» line Square Enix – Hitman Go. And this familiarity, I was pleased. Although Lara Croft to …

Yakuza Kiwami

A series of Yakuza for the many years of its existence has become a living classic among exclusives for the Playstation , every couple of years, getting on the new game about the …

Tearaway Unfolded

Well me burst?  As of LittleBigPlanet , tearaway unfolded his best shows how it is bright and fabulous; if you’re lucky and you will not feel like an idiot, you’ll be able to really …


Wounded!  It is difficult to evaluate the electronic version of the game for decades are hardly the main lifesaver, rescues from boredom. Sea battle – turn-based strategy, the lottery for …

Gravity Rush 2

Though I must admit that the game world itself – perfect. He remembered. He has little to like. Floating in the air the island and aerolodki. Gravity storms and alien creatures. Fictional language …