Category: Game Platforms
The war hero became a cop The clothes we get dressed are those of a simple man named Cole Phelps . He is one of the many soldiers who fought against the …
The beginning of the adventure That something does not go in Ben 10 we see it right away. The graphic style chosen by the developers is a sort of cel-shading, which in …
Comic strips and bricks The story of Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 follows those of the first chapter. While our goodwill are busy dealing with daily criminality, Kang the Conqueror works in …
The princess agitates as Mario takes action immediately to match the hated rival, offering a bunch of flowers in turn (those that make it faster, I do not remember …
Ah, the young Dovahkiin of today … For players alien to the forged masterpiece by Todd Howard and members, we are talking about the title that has deeply marked …
This work of Techland , study that by the way has ended up specializing in this type of productions, served to enhance a genre that over the years has gained much …
Within the vast universe that is related to this saga (videogames, OVAs, manga, etc.) the subseries .hack GU is still darker and denser than the original, at least in …
The earth trembles in its path, nothing resists the fury of its plasma cannons, but do not give up! You keep fighting, stoically fighting, devising the way to end the …
It is not a particularly groundbreaking title, but the new creator of Gears of War does not feel like “one more” among so many others. It has personality, novel ideas, …
For this last element just and although it is a game that may be perfectly attractive for many players, I consider that for its classic character this work will …