Category: Game Platforms
In 2023, the official launch of the new generation consoles will take place – Xbox Series X and Playstation 5. Meanwhile Nintendo not in a hurry to update his …
Netizens noticed that the official role-playing site The world ends with you the company Square enix went for maintenance. Last time, it was similarly turned off in early January …
According to a famous insider Emily Rogers, which has behind it a large list of confirmed leaks in part Nintendo, the company is preparing to port at least two …
Now that 2023 has already arrived, the launch Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X ceased to seem something incomprehensibly distant. AND Sony, and Microsoft we have already revealed some …
Despite the fact that engineers Google stadia gradually correct errors made at the time of launching the streaming game service, the situation as a whole remains rather deplorable. Journalist …
The tastes of European players are surprisingly contrasted with the preferences of American gamers. Here is what Europeans acquired during the year: Cuphead Divinity: Original Sin 2 The Legend …
Website Metacritic continues to take stock of the past year. Following the overall ranking of the highest rated games, the leading review aggregator published the top most rated titles …
New mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will allow you to take on a journey as a companion a virtual copy of the famous gamer’s grandmother Shirley Curry, …
Despite huge sales Grand theft auto vthat annually seem to only increase the pace, Rockstar added her hyper-successful action movie to the library Xbox game pass for Xbox One. …
With the onset of the new year, analysts are always trying to predict exactly what to expect from the industry. 2023 is truly a landmark: on Christmas, Microsoft and …