Category: News

Act Of Aggression

Assembly volley in the worst traditions of plot complication is trying to be as realistic as possible. Some stock market crash in Shanghai, the economic crisis in the United States, …

Braveland Pirate

In spring 2014. Kaliningrad studio Tortuga Team has released a nice strategy Braveland , which is a colorful lightweight version of King’s Bounty . She promised two more games in the same vein. Word of his …


All the matter in the diet. Or python?  At first, until we show the cute and little absurd cartoon clip-saver; while the song is playing, briefly explaining how the main character …


Terrible hotel  Skyhill offers a very unusual survival formula. Young businessman Perri Dzheyson came to an unnamed town on business, took the VIP-penthouse in the luxury hotel, but a couple of …