Category: News
The proven version, we immediately underline this premise, was not completely complete or definitive, and had only three circuits and three different modes. In detail, the first was a fast …
Shiness is the classic game you do not expect. Tested in the latest events of the event dedicated to the presentation of the Focus lineup, it has pleasantly surprised us both …
The ladies in yellow The role we are going to cover is that of the investigator Edward Pierce, who took on a mystery that, from the police record, really …
The lights and shadows of an adventure The interior was an old cathedral filled with mice, if possible even more than the exterior, and colored glass windows covered the …
The initial impact, both visual and structural, reminds Plague Inc: Evolved. In front of us all the mappage on which are marked many of the most important cities of all …
Realpolitiks, no title was ever better for a game. But what identifies this term? The word realpolitk was first coined by Prussian writer Ludwig Von Rochau to describe Otto Von Bismarck’s …
Within the lineup of a publisher like Focus, there may be both full-time and near-coming games, instead of just sketched games, ready to face the long developmental times. The game …
Shenron’s sense of humor The flickering spark that lights up Dragon Ball Fusions hits when the protagonist, whose name and appearance can be customized by the player, and his friend Pinich …
Study, theory, without practice often turn out to be fine for ourselves: we learned a lot about it all in our school and university courses, when after hours on …
This setting has given way to creating a rather different game from its predecessor, with a much stiffer structure based on grinding and strategy. As in PC, in …