Category: News
It is difficult to explain the satisfaction that one feels when carrying out the murder that he had to order without leaving clues, witnesses and, what is better, making …
In this way, a truly faithful adventure to the original manga (and later anime) that has been with us for many years is born, this being one of its most striking and plausible aspects of …
If Life is Strange was a constant search for the identity of a teenager, the work of Infinite Fall is the next step: when you finish the “teen” years …
The freedom of action is one of the hallmarks of the genre and in this sense, the new Amplitude Studios does not disappoint. Expand your empire as you like, using brute force or using …
As a defender that the game could do much better in terms of narrative, the concept always fascinated me: dedicate so much effort to the story that the mechanics …
The desire and the ambition of EniGami to realize a competent Action RPG with very defined objectives are noticed . He knows to which audience he goes, a childish and youthful one that has grown …
A genre that depends so much on that “other way of doing things” and that put the narrative before the mechanics is easy to end up tripping over their …
This is how World of the West was born , a fun adventure of puzzles and exploration that proposes to solve a great variety of puzzles using the special abilities of four heroes.that by …
Yes. The Trails fan is devoted and patient. We are talking about probably one of the JRPGs that together with Trails of Cold Steel more cor relation exists between quality / …
What suffering, how much frustration … but also, how exciting and addictive can be the action of The Surge , a fearsome, implacable video game that punishes you over and over …