Category: Games Guide

Get Even

 The bomb exploded, the tragedy was consummated !, and now you live a hell looking for answers. What happened? Who organized the kidnapping? Why did not you arrive on time? Questions, doubts and …


The second thing that surprises is that it also says something about Zelda, about metroidvanias and that with it Runic Games, creators of the outstanding Torchlight saga , have managed to distance …

Urban Empire

Saturday night, you are at the third cocktail, ask for a quarter to the bartender, who says, “This is what I do. Do you trust?”. The answer would be no, only …

Portal Knights

The developer’s response was clearly positive in our attempt to highlight a different target, but we also managed to outline the differences between the family title released by Shinjuku …


Robot Attack In imprint-X , this is the name of the game we’re going to talk about today, some nanomachines called “Guardians” have la unched an attack and enslaved all those …

Get Even

It points to the undisguised understanding of our understanding, doubt, the difficulty of interpreting what we really have before our eyes, be   cause the same developers are aiming …

Project CARS 2

The proven version, we immediately underline this premise, was not completely complete or definitive, and had only three circuits and three different modes. In detail, the first was a fast …


Realpolitiks, no title was ever better for a game. But what identifies this term? The word realpolitk was first coined by Prussian writer Ludwig Von Rochau to describe Otto Von Bismarck’s …