Author: Kane Dane
If I had one scene to illustrate the essence of the past Telltale Games, then I would choose the one in which dies one of the actors. Tellingly, before being …
Shareware Blitz is designed for quick sessions evil , unobtrusive in terms of microtransactions system and is available not only tehnofetishistam: here you can confuse the basic differences between the average …
Abyss Odyssey looks fine: fashionable nowadays “modern”, the original design of the monsters, stylish image. And the idea behind the game is interesting enough. Of course, “bagels” to combat “a …
Unfortunately, the game did not have quite a bit, and it took only the second place in the overall standings. But the victory was not the main goal of the …
Road Not Taken -game “roguelike” genre, in which you had the opportunity to play the role of a mystical forest ranger who has come from nowhere to permanently snow-covered town. …
Titan Lords can easily hate: in the first hours of the new Risen does not give any reason to stay. At first, the combat system is frankly annoying – an …
Most of the First Light, you will spend in Seattle – with our last visit the city virtually unchanged, except that D.E.Z. have not been able to build their own …
The authors carefully avoid marker-tips ( “large room – wait for the boss”, “stumbled upon a sniper rifle – ahead of fights at long range”), and it makes nervous, …
When you create a War of the Chosen of Firaxis developers have taken into account all that players complained XCOM 2 : Few events in the global map? Please, now many. Enemies …
I am sincerely sorry for the people who will dismantle the bones of “Crime and Punishment.” If you turn and look at the bore Crimes & Punishments critical glance, yes, …