Before the game Modern Warfare Call of Duty series is not needed in the disclosure of motivation villains, because the writers did the story itself. Any Losers and slacker …
Daedalic Entertainment – the studio that needs no special introduction. As a rule, their games before release has become an aura of something interesting and simply well done. And even almost …
In the early ’90s, soon after on consoles and personal computers appeared CD-drives with them in the game came the so-called FMV – the caption, including with live actors.terrible …
Dishonored was a good game. Steep, but apparently little dullish protagonist framed. Even yesterday, he hovered in the highest circles, and now forced to hide in the trash. But nothing! True to the …
Pendulum Studios prince back to life one of their media franchise. After 4 years after the first part of John Yestedey again sent to unravel the occult conspiracies, and look …
Company WayForward series Shantae – something like a beloved child. The first part, despite the difficulties in the development and trouble finding a publisher, entered the Game Boy Color in …
Tales of – original series of classic JRPG, able to compete in a number of major issues, even with Final Fantasy.Since the days of Tales of Phantasia on the …
At the time, Zhyul Vern has awakened a real hysteria on the ocean, its mysteries and treasures resting on the bottom. After more than 100 years for those who dreams …
At this year’s Grand Prix of Azerbaijan Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel boarded Mercedes rival Lewis Hamilton. During the Grand Prix of Russia in the first year of my career, FJanuary …
I was of Halo Wars on Xbox 360 in late 2009. Although I come to mind was only one mission from that game (and it seems to me, the problem is not my …