Daedalic Entertainment – the studio that needs no special introduction. As a rule, their games before release has become an aura of something interesting and simply well done. And even almost …

The Bunker

In the early ’90s, soon after on consoles and personal computers appeared CD-drives with them in the game came the so-called FMV – the caption, including with live actors.terrible …


Dishonored was a good game. Steep, but apparently little dullish protagonist framed. Even yesterday, he hovered in the highest circles, and now forced to hide in the trash. But nothing! True to the …


Pendulum Studios prince back to life one of their media franchise. After 4 years after the first part of John Yestedey again sent to unravel the occult conspiracies, and look …


At the time, Zhyul Vern has awakened a real hysteria on the ocean, its mysteries and treasures resting on the bottom. After more than 100 years for those who dreams …

THE F1 2017

At this year’s Grand Prix of Azerbaijan Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel boarded Mercedes rival Lewis Hamilton. During the Grand Prix of Russia in the first year of my career, FJanuary …


I was of Halo Wars on Xbox 360 in late 2009. Although I come to mind was only one mission from that game (and it seems to me, the problem is not my …