Paradoxically, Silence somehow inexplicably manages to be nenapryagayusche screen and limited variety. For example, we have a pretty simple, typical of many point’n’click adventure game mechanics with reference to the mouse, but with nuances (like balancing or transformation of a small caterpillar-mate Spot) it does not seem so monotonous.

Given the restrictions imposed by such mechanics, Silence generally quite flexible; in it, among other things, provides a kind of “levels of complexity”, namely switchable pointers interactive points and application objects. The latter, incidentally, does not occur very often, because the inventory the game in the conventional sense it is not. Maximum items that I had to carry on the location, amounted to only candy and coins.

Also noticeably enliven the gameplay mini-games. They are quite a bit, but they differ from each other and make the switch from the basic algorithm of solving problems on something fundamentally different. For example, when searching for hidden objects using non-will-say-anything-to-avoid spoilers will need, among other things, to focus on the sound – in the basic game mechanics is not included. The central puzzles stable is not particularly difficult, and often have the same mechanism of clues, which is very disappointing. But there is more, the fact that Daedalic Entertainment have relied on the story itself and the way it is displayed.

At first glance, the story Silence seems to be a combination of carefully selected platitudes: take two orphans of different ages (Senior necessarily overly serious and thoughtful, Jr. – touchingly capricious), make them heirs to the throne tridesyatom kingdom and send the kids there to establish order – and on both sides of the border between the real and fantastic worlds. Add to all this a forced romantic line, a minimum set of typical characters, spoilers for the main subject turns and you get the first half of the game.

Very luckily, this chaos will soon end, as though Marco Hyullenu someone gently hinted at the fact that it’s not worth doing. Then everything already goes like clockwork: the action develops gradually and more dynamically selectable actions and phrases seem to have at least some influence, and teenage love forgotten. However, the secondary characters are becoming flatter, but at this stage they are not of great interest, because the attention is focused on Rini tandem / Spot.

All this, however, does not mean that everything was perfectly sharply: alas, this progress has been achieved at the expense of the integrity of the game itself.

But what captivates at first glance, it’s the beauty of Silence. Those familiar with Daedalic Entertainment games, get pleasure from their transformed but still recognizable visual handwriting; Those who with the help of Silence only will discover this studio, guaranteed to want more.

In addition to the naive, but the hypnotic charm of each location, the game adds to the aesthetic value of its cinematography. The individual rollers made me an overwhelming desire to make a bunch of per-frame screenshots and send them some Russian animators: they are so good.

I was, however, one expectation that is not true: the presence of humor. Daedalic Entertainment are known, not least thanks to how easy the same series Deponia caused at least smile. Comic moments in Silence rather weak; and although the game almost from the first frame exudes seriousness and even drama, a drop of fun she would have not prevented.


Despite the simplicity of the puzzles, a certain dose klishirovannosti and plot the gap between the parts, thanks to the charm of Silence and a certain variation of the gameplay is well manage to hold the player until the end, even if he knows it will all end. In this sense, this game is similar to all the stories that as a child we listened with undisguised pleasure for the umpteenth time in a row.